Great Virtues of Sending Blessings

The virtues of sending blessings and salutations are proven from each Hadeeth on this subject. Ten blessings descend on the person who recites the blessings once and he is raised ten degrees. He is absolved of ten sins and is accredited with ten good deeds. He earns special affinity with the Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam on the Day of Judgement. It becomes obvious that all worldly and eternal needs of the reciter shall be fulfilled. The angels gift the blessings of a reciter to the Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam along with his and his father's name, who then responds to these blessings.

The Most Enjoyable Outcome Of Sending Blessings

The most enjoyable outcome of sending blessings is to see the Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in visions.

The Most Excellent Blessings