All sin and connections other than those with Allah Ta'ala are the bandits along the Path of Sulook, However, there are several things from which the Saalik has to abstain. This is vital. If the Saalik does not rigorously abstain from these aspects, his efforts and struggles will be utterly wasted. These fatal impediments strewn along the Path of spiritual progress are:

Alas! In the present age, customs and innovations are in great prevalence. Nowadays such innovatory customs are being regarded as Tasawwuf. Rasulullah Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam said:

"Soon there will dawn an age over people when there will remain of Islam nothing but its name, and of the Qur'aan there will remain nothing but its script."

Lust for lads is worse than lust for women. Nowadays such unnatural practices of lust with lads are very prevalent. The act of sodomy is in the severest degree of prohibition, hence Rasulullah Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam said:

"I greatly fear for my people the practice of the nation of Loot."

In another Hadith, Rasulullah Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam said:

"The curses of the Angels of the seven heavens descend on seven types of sinners. The intensity of this La'nat (curse) is sufficient to destroy the Mal'oon ((he accursed). (The first of the seven types) is one who practised sodomy."

Nabi-e-Kareem Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam repeated the above warning thrice.

In another Hadith it was said:

"Allah Ta'ala abhors looking at a man who commits sodomy."

Some people although not committing acts of lust are involved in the malady of gazing with lust. It should be borne in mind that the eyes also commit Zinaa (fornication). Few people exercise caution in this respect despite the fact that staring with lust is a stepping-stone to fornication. According to the principle of Fiqh, the means and agencies of haraam are likewise haraam. So remember this, and understand it well.

Speech in abundance and claiming excellence and virtues as well as speaking disrespectfully of the Shari'ah or Allah Ta'ala are among the greatest of impediments along this Path. Some Jaahil (ignorant) peers indulge in such evil use of the tongue.

In short, haste and expectation (for the effects of Mujaahidah to become manifest) are by implication demands which the Mureed puts to his Shaikh. Such demands are very harmful. This type of mureed does not remain contented with his Shaikh. He turns to all and sundry for remedies. He is like a vagrant along this Path and he in consequence loses the grace and favour of the Shaikh. The Mureed in the final analysis loses in entirety what he had initially desired so impatiently. His frustration and worry multiply. Outwardly and inwardly he becomes engulfed by harm.