Generally, old customs and habits gradually become part
and parcel of a person's temperament and they become almost second nature. The prohibition
of that
which was part of their lives and a means of pride for them was a great
trial and tribulation for them. This period was very vital in Islaam. As the consideration
of the human feelings and instincts by the Divine Religion is
praiseworthy, the spirit of obedience and total submission of the Muslim Ummah, after the
prohibition, is also a living and outstanding example unparalleled in
After the prohibition was revealed, the Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wasallam sent out a caller, who
proclaimed in the streets of Madeenah: "Beware intoxicants (alcohol) have been prohibited." This proclamation and message went straight to the hearts and changed
the spirits of the people. Intoxicants, which a few minutes ago were the most beloved
thing of the Arabs and part of their lives, became detestable in their sight after hearing
the order of prohibition. Whoever had glasses of intoxicants in their hands threw them to
the ground; whoever had alcohol in their mouths spat it out. The sound of breaking glasses
and drinking vessels was heard from every home. Liquor flowed in the streets of Madeenah
like torrents of rain.
A very illustrious Companion of the Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, Hadhrat Anas Ibne Maalik radhiyallahu anhu
, reports that at that time
a group of Sahaabah were assembled at the house of Hadhrat Aboo Talhah
radhiyallahu anhu. Among them were prominent Sahaabah like Hadhrat Aboo 'Ubaydah
Ibne Jarraah, Hadhrat Aboo Dujaanah, Hadhrat Mu'aaz Ibne Jabal and Hadhrat Suhayl Ibne
Baydhaa radhiyallahu
. He says,
"I was the cup-bearer in this gathering. Suddenly I heard the sound of the caller and
all present heard it also. None of us present thought it necessary to go outside and
investigate, but instead all the glasses were thrown to the ground. Large earthen pots and
containers were broken and destroyed. All the alcohol was thrown into the gutters and down
pipes. We all made ghusl and wudhoo, and proceeded to the masjid, where we found the Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi
reciting the verse which
contained the order of prohibition."
Hadhrat Buraydah radhiyallahu anhu was also in a gathering engaged in drinking
alcohol and giving others to drink. The voice of the caller was heard and
immediately, the alcohol in the glasses was thrown to the ground, the
alcohol in the mouths was spat out, and the alcohol in huge containers was destroyed.
Hadhrat Jaabir radhiyallahu anhu reports that a Companion's business was liquor. He
used to bring liquor from Khaybar and sell it in Madeenah. Incidentally, at the time
intoxicants were declared Haraam, he had gone to Khaybar to purchase alcohol. Upon
entering Madeenah one Sahaabi informed him that liquor had been declared Haraam. Hearing
this, he stopped where he was and did not move further with the liquor. He left all the
liquor on one hill-top
and proceeded to the Holy
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam
and asked him if the news of the prohibition was true. The Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam
verified this. He enquired further, 'Will I
be permitted to give it back to the person I brought it from ?'
The Holy Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wasallam replied, 'No, now to
return it is not permissible for you.' 'Can I give it to some non-Muslim, who has done me
some favour?' The Holy Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wasallam
replied, 'No.' He then
said, 'I have utilised the wealth of some orphans who are in my care, in buying this
liquor. What should I do?' The Holy
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam
told him when the goods of Bahrain come to them, at that time, the compensation of the
rights of the orphans will be given from the Bayt-ul-Maal. This Companion went back to
where he had left the liquor and poured all the liquor on to the ground. Liquor was
flowing in large quantities like rain water.
This is not the occasion to accumulate incidents
concerning liquor, but since liquor and gambling were prohibited together in the same
verse at the same time,
a few incidents to reflect the spirit of obedience of the Sahaabah
radhiyallahu anhum are mentioned here. When this was the spirit of obedience in
liquor, the
total abstinence of which is very difficult, one can imagine their
submission and obedience in gambling. History bears testimony to the fact that after the
revelation of the prohibition of gambling, the Sahaabah abstained from everything that
seemed doubtful to them. In Saheeh Bukhaari, the Hadeeth of the Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, is mentioned that whoever tells his
companion, 'Come let's gamble,' he should give charity as a compensation for merely
talking about such an evil deed.
Alas, how sorrowful to note, that intoxicants and
gambling, which have been very strongly prohibited in the Qur'aan and the very mentioning
of gambling is termed in the Hadeeth as a sin, are regarded as completely lawful and
permissible by the Muslims of today, as if the prohibition of these things does not even
exist in the Qur'aan and Hadeeth, or (Allah forbid) they have no faith in the Qur'aan and
Hadeeth. What is more regretful is that those people who are regarded as pious and
religious, due to their acts of worship (Salaat and Fasting), are also involved in these