Mas’alah 11-If one had I kg. of silver and before the end he received some gold also, then the gold will not be counted separately but jointly with the silver and Zakaat will be essential on both at the end of one year.
Mas’alah 12 -Besides gold and silver other goods like copper, iron, brass etc. and vessels made of them, clothes, shoes, etc. if am meant for sale, then their cost should be valued and if it comes equal to the price of 612 grams silver or 88 grams of gold, then at the end of year Zakaat will be due on these. But if their value is less than that, Zakaat will hot be due. But if these goods are not for sale, Zakaat will not be due at whatever value the goods may be.
Mas’alah 13-The household goods are exempted from Zakaat. There is no Zakaat on vessels-large or small, residential house clothes, necklaces of real pearls-whatever their quantity may be. In short, with the exception of silver and gold, every other thing (if not for sale) as exempted from Zakaat.
Mas’alah 14- If one owns several houses and they are let out on rent, there is no Zakaat on them ,whatever their value may be. In the same way someone purchased some utensils and lets them out on hire, then no Zakaat is due on them.
Mas’alah 15-clothes, however costly, are exempted from Zakaat but if they are embroidered with gold or silver thread and its cost, if removed, will be more than 612 grams of silver, then Zakaat will be due otherwise not.
Mas’alah 16-If anyone is in possession of some gold or silver find some merchandise goods also, then the value of all should be calculated and if it is equal to the price of 612 grants of Silver or 88 grams of gold, then Zakaat is due on all otherwise not.
Mas’alah 17-The merchandise goods are those which are purchased with the intention of trade; but if one purchased some rice for domestic use or for wedding purpose and later on sold it then Zakaat will not be due on this rice.
Mas’alah 18-If some money has been given as loan to some one, then Zakaat is due on this amount and must be paid by the lender. Loan is of three kinds i.e. gold and silver, cash or sold something and its price is due and ,vas realised after two or three years. If it is equal to the amount on which Zakaat is essential, then it is compulsory on the whole amount. If the amount was not realised in lump sum, then whenever eleven rupees are realised, Zakaat will be due and on subsequent instalments of that amount but not on less than that. Whenever eleven rupees are realised, Zakaat should be paid and for all the two or three years.
But if the amount loaned out is less than the prescribed limit, no Zakaat will be due.
But if he possesses some other trade goods also besides this,then its value should be calculated and if both exceed the limit then Zakaat will be due.

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